
Good Bye for Now!

Today was the last day for my trip and I can't believe it! The time just flew by. I managed to get to Boboli Gardens and the Pitti Palace today. It was so spectacular. It had its own grotto! Of course, Bacchus was there to remind everyone to have fun and drink more wine. The weather has been gorgeous every day and today was no exception. As you Floridians well know, hot day makes for a beautiful sunset so I went to Piazzale Michelangelo to see the sunset. So, as I say good bye to new friends, to Florence and Italy, I will say, Arrivederci and good night! See you soon.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, have you been a busy bee! Just opened my RSS reader to find all of your adventures in Italy! It's very obvious that you had a great time. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. :-)
